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a summary of my annual work:

       I am currently a psychology major with a specialization in neuroscience. I have high hopes of attending medical school in order to become a practicing psychiatrist. Psychiatrists must possess analytical and introspective qualities in order to fully delve into the mind of a patient. Not only must they be able to intricately analyze a patient’s mind, but they must also be able to report back to that individual how they can go about improving their mental health. Rhetorical skills are a pivotal characteristic to have as an aspiring psychiatrist. A clinical psychiatrist must be able to implement all forms of rhetoric to help persuade a patient into changing their self-image, standards of living/thinking, or to help them accept a previous traumatic event. These fundamental communication skills are imperative for a doctor-patient relationship. Overall, a psychiatrist must be able to use analytical expertise, and then be able to rhetorically communicate back to the patient as to how they must change a certain aspect of their way of thinking or living.

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